Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17

Yesterday, I watched “Tangled”; Disney’s latest version of “Rapunzel”, which by the way was one of my favorite books growing up.  I found myself jealous of the character who was able to express such joy and dance in the streets without fear of what someone might think. It was if she was experiencing life for the first time – wait, she WAS! (Just in case you don’t remember, she was locked up in a tower for most of her childhood life by an evil witch.)

Which lead me to thinking, Christ has given me new life – why is it then that I do not go about dancing and spreading sunshine everywhere? I once was locked in my own tower and He set me free. I danced for a while, but then began to take it for granted, began to take Him for granted. . .

How do I take someone who laid down His life for mine for granted?
How do I not spend every hour of every day consumed with thanksgiving?
Knowing it was He who has set me free.

I am thankful for God’s little reminders. For I need them daily, so that my life can be put into perspective. So that I will not be swayed by the things of this world, but know that God overcomes ALL and He has made me a NEW creature . . . and ALL things are NEW!

My goal is to wake up each day thankful and live like it truly is a blessing – given by Christ. AMEN.


  1. Glad to see you in Bloggerville.....i miss the mountain...but....NERI has become my home....


  2. Me again....stop by to see me @
