Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"See Reverse for Care"

I was sitting in church one day and the tag on an elderly woman's shawl caught my attention, it said "see reverse for care." A common statement printed on most, if not all garments these days. 

Though many of us disregard the statement and end up with bright pink socks that were once white or a miniature felted sweater that was once comfortably loose. 

The thought came to mind - what if we all had tags like this, what would they say? 
            6-8 hours of solid sleep
            3 healthy meals a day
            Minimum of 4 hugs daily
            and plenty of water. 

Then I wondered what would my 'care label' say? 

What should it say?  

What does God say I need for proper care; to be at my best and to live a long and useful life? 

1.) Prayer. 

2.) Treat others as we want to be treated and put others first. To love, care, respect, forgive, non-judgmental . . . . (a dear friend always would remind me that their is always someone better and worse that you are).

3.) Be humble.

4.) Celebrate and encourage others in the use of their God given gifts. Lifting each other up in prayer.

5.) To be constantly in God's word.  

6.) To look not at this world but to the next for our just reward.  

7.) Love as Jesus loved - looking at the heart.

8.) Use your gifts and blessings for God's plan and purpose. 

The list could go on and on.  . .

I encourage you to take some time today and play a little game of picturing people you know and what their 'care tags' would say - it might give you a fresh perspective of what God really wants and requires of us to truly care for and love each other.